@bcholeman: Reply to @ihasweenis I’ll never regret what I did that day, and I would do it again. We need more love and grace in the world today. #teacher #fyp
Brandon Holeman
Region: US
Thursday 02 July 2020 20:18:07 GMT
Ashley Pitmon :
When my mother passed in High school. I was already judged piror to this important event. So I just said an important family member passed.
2020-07-04 05:38:40
jon.seener :
Schools overvalue actual grades and undervalue actually teaching material.
2020-07-02 20:24:07
D. :
i missed an english test in highschool the day my dad passed away. My teacher said i could just write the next one and not to worry. (1/2)
2020-07-03 15:07:06
Kevin McClintock :
What an amazing thing to do brother. You’re an inspiration! I want to be a teacher like you! 😭🤟🏻🔥
2020-07-03 05:57:58
Mer :
I had to go to school they day after one of my grandparents passed away years ago. Didn’t do my homework the night before....instead of I’m sorry for
2020-07-15 01:16:53
ogonzales79 :
Your a great teacher!!! My kids mom passed on the first day of finals and all their teachers just passed them on their finals.
2020-07-03 06:41:45
Emily Rose :
I don’t understand why people aren’t getting this. My principal tried to actually send me and my mother home (we teach) after my Mimi died.
2020-07-02 21:01:53
Christ is my King :
my daughter went to school the day after my brother killed himself at our house. i thought she should stay home but she needed the distraction....she
2020-07-03 15:44:00
Abigail Baggott :
I wish there could be more teachers like you! The first day coming back to school from Christmas break, my mom got diagnosed with kidney failure 1/3
2020-07-06 16:38:29
Vander Vasquez :
To be completely honest this has made me a bit sad, cause a teacher did something similar for me.
2020-07-02 20:30:15
Courtney Jordan :
Thank you my cousin passed from CF (13 yrs old) when i was a junior in highschool and I missed school for a week bc i was sick emotionally and
2020-07-02 22:01:33
Liz :
I stayed home for a week after my grandma died and I was bullied right when I came back. I left for another week and the teacher used that time to
2020-07-02 22:51:23
One day one of my little baby cusion died and the Principal go me in tubble because I messed school and she lived far from me
2020-07-02 20:24:36
Scott Odom :
I wish I had teachers like you my dad passed away and I still went to school and struggled the hole day got yelled at cuz I was in my phone the hole
2020-07-03 15:17:09
Patty May sheets :
My grandma passed on June 7 2012 two days later June 9 2012 I graduated high school
2020-07-08 06:45:04
Lila :
sometimes we need to teach our children compassion!!! you did such a wonderful thing for him! I wish my teachers would have been more like you
2020-07-13 05:32:52
Rebelstudstudios :
In defense of the kid. My closest friend passed away from leukemia and I couldn’t focus for like 2 whole weeks and it was hard. (Typing more in reply)
2020-07-03 03:25:32
Lacey Smith :
My teachers let me sit with them during their lunch break and let me cry and comforted me after my grandfather passed away . Thank you for being you.
2020-07-02 20:45:41
Demoura :
my science teacher in high school gave me a pass on the day after my grandma passed. I woke up late and my mom didn't want me to go to school but I
2020-07-12 16:23:41
AmandaCaldwell2020 :
I believe your kindness will forever stick with him forever. It may have forever changed who he may become. I think you did an amazing thing. We need
2020-07-03 04:23:03
Paxton :
Also, It doesnt matter if theyre a "good student" or not. You should show that empathy regardless
2020-07-03 06:06:40
Sage_ Justice138 :
I was lucky enough to never lose anyone close while I was in school, but I had friends who did and it wrecked them. Speaks to your high character...
2020-07-06 13:13:33
Matthew Sutton :
I went so school the day after my brother died and just had to tough through it.. No one knew what happened even I tried to tell a teacher and people
2020-07-06 07:22:22
Liz :
I was okay. And kept hugging me. I couldn’t stop crying and I just looked at the test and I couldn’t do it. I wrote my name on it and said I was sorry
2020-07-03 17:09:13
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