@kesayangaann: 😝

keca˚ ༘♡
keca˚ ༘♡
Open In TikTok:
Region: ID
Wednesday 17 February 2021 12:45:36 GMT




𝕣Iмaa🐝 :
canti nyaa🥰
2021-02-17 13:39:23
Achel :
2021-02-18 05:27:47
°❀⋆bbyza.ೃ࿔* :
hai kamu cantik bgt🥰 kapan aku cantik ya allah
2021-02-17 14:54:46
ihsan aulia ramadhan :
makk,ini makk
2021-02-17 16:50:20
oy0ts••☆ :
bisa munduran ga?CANTIKNYA KELEWATAN
2021-02-17 12:53:14
rr :
2021-02-17 15:19:05
bos besar geng motor gua ni jan di lawan
2021-02-18 01:43:17
ndr :
key, cancii bgtt🥰🥺
2021-02-18 04:09:03
lospakualamos :
udah kaya mafiaa, lanjutkann👍👍
2021-02-18 11:27:53
meliana :
cantik bgt siiii:(
2021-02-22 04:32:39
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when my father was home from his home town he came home and said his head was hurting my stepmother said she was gonna give him a pain tablet but she was dealing with my baby sister so she said she was inside and Heard something fell so she quickly ran outside to see what it was she say that my father was wetting his head and slime coming out of his mouth so she quickly ask if he wanted to go to the hospital and he said yes she called a taxi and carry him to George town hospital he sat there for 3 hours at that time he already took in with stroke when his name was called it was already to late because his blood vessels already burst in his head he was admitted to the hospital so the next day we got the news and three days later we was told that his eye couldn't open he couldn't talk lone he wasn't eating so they fed him from a tube we was planning to go see him the next day but it was to late my step mother called my mom and said he died I was slping and heard ppl crying so get up I didn't get a good morning all I heard he died I couldn't believe the last person I thought would've died. died so I catch a panic attack I was getting black out all the time he was in the army so we had to go by the base the day that same day it brang bk memorys so I ended up in the hospital I was told that I need therapy BC I was suffering from a parent lose I went home and cry all night because he was only in his 30,s I didn't know what to do.all I wish for for it all to be a dream that's all😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭@Allstar Angel😍😛❤ @D 💋 @•~🐙🩷Däñï💙🦋~• me and my sisters have to suffer a grief that we wasent ready for.while others could go on with there lives.we miss you so much daddy.come back please and I give anything 🥹😭😭😞
when my father was home from his home town he came home and said his head was hurting my stepmother said she was gonna give him a pain tablet but she was dealing with my baby sister so she said she was inside and Heard something fell so she quickly ran outside to see what it was she say that my father was wetting his head and slime coming out of his mouth so she quickly ask if he wanted to go to the hospital and he said yes she called a taxi and carry him to George town hospital he sat there for 3 hours at that time he already took in with stroke when his name was called it was already to late because his blood vessels already burst in his head he was admitted to the hospital so the next day we got the news and three days later we was told that his eye couldn't open he couldn't talk lone he wasn't eating so they fed him from a tube we was planning to go see him the next day but it was to late my step mother called my mom and said he died I was slping and heard ppl crying so get up I didn't get a good morning all I heard he died I couldn't believe the last person I thought would've died. died so I catch a panic attack I was getting black out all the time he was in the army so we had to go by the base the day that same day it brang bk memorys so I ended up in the hospital I was told that I need therapy BC I was suffering from a parent lose I went home and cry all night because he was only in his 30,s I didn't know what to do.all I wish for for it all to be a dream that's all😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭@Allstar Angel😍😛❤ @D 💋 @•~🐙🩷Däñï💙🦋~• me and my sisters have to suffer a grief that we wasent ready for.while others could go on with there lives.we miss you so much daddy.come back please and I give anything 🥹😭😭😞
