@hellotefi: #sober bleugh I hate when I cry on here because I don’t want to come off as my lows are for likes or some shit, I just want to help if that makes sens
Region: US
Friday 26 March 2021 19:58:14 GMT
Britt :
you created a safe loving and positive environment on your page with real people going through REAL things too. your safe we love you.
2021-03-27 00:47:05
Spoons :
We all have different stuff we have to deal with. You are normal. You are beautiful, you are strong!
2021-03-26 20:11:25
Celeste Avedikian :
I have a theory that smart, empathetic people never feel “normal,” but I think “normal” people are just able to better disconnect/separate themselves
2021-03-28 07:39:06
Tiare-Ann :
I want you to know that you just helped change my life. Everything you said I DIRECTLY relate to & I didn’t want to face that I need to be sober
2021-03-28 02:14:15
Moe :
who cares about normal you’re STRONG if it was easy everyone would do it
2021-03-27 13:54:11
Kevin :
ty for your tik toks ily 🥺
2021-03-27 01:23:10
. :
I can’t tell you how much I relate to this- libra.
2021-03-27 07:10:33
Levi 🐾 :
Ugh Tefi I know I joke around on here in these comments but your tears are breaking my heart. You’re amazing EXACTLY as you are and you bring a
2021-03-28 02:17:46
KelsieNick :
I get the same way with drinking. It’s such a huge part of social life.I hate feeling “left out” and wanting to be normal. I love your vulnerability❤️
2021-03-26 20:08:09
ada :
I got bitter and jealous too, of people who could handle it and not have mental health effects. I also want to be “normal”
2021-03-26 20:21:36
syd the kyd 🌈🥸🦕 :
me too girl. if i have enough alcohol to even be buzzed i’ll cry immediately and puke the whole next day
2021-03-27 18:51:41
alexaevert :
Ahhhhh the “I wish I was normal” ... hit my heart. You’re a bright light and you’re shining even if you don’t feel like it right now sister
2021-03-26 23:58:29
🗽 Chloe 🗽 :
You are a bright light on this app ❤️ily tefi!
2021-03-26 20:13:11
Paige🧃 :
I’m a cancer too. I cry so muchhh but I’m a happy person for the most part😭
2021-03-27 11:23:02
Kaylin ⚡️🐆🤎🥂 :
Bby you have to remind yourself that all of our souls are here to enlighten and heal in their own ways. You’ve been given battles, & also opportunites
2021-03-26 21:42:21
bekkahliz :
It’s hard to watch people handling things easily when they feel so heavy to you. But What comes easy to you might be being so warm &bright &lovely
2021-03-26 20:16:02
Gina Marie :
I’m not sober but I definitely don’t drink the way I used to or the way my friends do, I’m at maybe once a month, twice if there’s holidays 1/?
2021-03-26 20:32:09
fusilli jerry :
oh sweet baby🥺 you are normal. we feel this way and don't realize that we are holding outselves to a standard of perfection that is impossible.
2021-03-28 16:00:35
shayne marie :
💞💞💞💞 if it was easy everyone would do it
2021-03-26 21:16:37
Juliana :
The books Quit like a woman and sober curious helped shift my perspective from “I don’t get to drink anymore” to “I don’t have to drink anymore” 🧡
2021-03-26 21:04:54
Cienna Reed :
Put into words a feeling I’ve had for a long time and never knew how to express
2021-03-26 20:18:02
goodforherfilms :
I have never felt so seen
2021-03-26 23:12:54
Evelyn Doby :
girl don’t invalidate your own feelings!! it’s so normal to be NOT normal and wish that you were. i know how it is to see all perspectives, so try to
2021-03-29 00:04:47
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