@nikole.cunningham: Answer to @izziexwilsonn just trying to make a living , the best I can💓 #schizencephaly #microcephaly #singlemom
Nikole Cunningham
Region: US
Monday 03 May 2021 15:06:30 GMT
Jennie Zapien :
You can’t get paid to care for her ? Idk if things are different were you live . But I get paid to care for my son with cerebral palsy .
2021-05-03 16:45:08
Krollduds_1980 :
God has his plans for you trust him
2021-05-03 15:09:56
olivia wormell :
you may qualify for respite care! i worked with kids with gtubes all the time as a respite provider!! best of luck to you and kendall!🥰
2021-05-04 21:42:38
Nikole Cunningham :
These products rang from wellness- health- and even hose hold items! They are all clean products. A lot of you asked for my cash app and you guys are-
2021-05-03 15:10:59
Jen:) :
Do you qualify for an in home nurse??
2021-05-03 16:47:08
ᖭmᖫྀ :
Have you ever thought about working from home like online possibly?
2021-05-03 15:10:46
User :
Wait idk if u watch dub frost she has these nurses that she has like 40 hours a week bc of health insurance... have u looked into that?
2021-05-03 15:14:25
Kelsie :
Not sure where you are located (I’m in VA) but a friend of mine gets paid to be a family caregiver as she has to care for her sister full time.
2021-05-04 02:51:17
Weyinmi Diden :
Hey not to be rude 🥺but well kendell need ur help till forever 😳
2021-05-03 23:40:30
Candice Jackson :
Same with my daughter if I didn’t have my daughters dad I would have nothing she’s on a gtube too and I can’t get a baby sitter
2021-05-03 15:13:38
tmurdock0303 :
What happened between you and Carlos
2021-05-03 17:23:36
madison :
why did u guys break up ?
2021-05-03 17:19:51
Haley Croucher :
What happened with you and the baby daddy I thought you guys were together?
2021-05-03 17:08:22
Cindy :
I haven't seen your videos in awhile.... Single mum 🥺where is carlo, i think that's his name
2021-05-09 22:52:44
Jamiesymonee :
Can someone in your family watch her or just take her to her dads while you work
2021-05-03 16:40:01
Wilson Hoffmann :
I know this may be many years out but when she is older you can be a para at her school. The school is required to provide a nurse to care for her.
2021-05-05 00:22:56
Bluevelvet2022 :
My son with the same condition went to an integrated daycare when he was 10 months old in 1992. They have a nurse, all therapists, trained caregivers.
2022-04-17 06:12:32
Briwynn23 :
Feel this!!! My son has a g-tube as well!!
2021-05-03 19:18:38
Red.1989 :
That’s how it was for me with my son when he was younger. It’s so frustrating. We still can’t just leave him with anyone. And that’s hard for people t
2021-05-03 18:48:58
karaaaaaaaaaaa :
God has great plans for you girl!!!🤍
2021-05-03 15:35:22
Rebekah :
I used to work as a Respite caregiver, do you know if she qualifies? Basically it’s free caregiving for children with special needs ❤️
2021-05-03 18:36:09
makaylapolkinghorn24 :
Kenndal is so cute
2021-05-03 15:14:24
Luz Ramirez :
I was on the same situation as you in my area I was able to find a medical daycare that know how to care for my son. In my area they pay you to take c
2021-05-03 21:13:08
Moobsy :
I hope this comment helps
2021-05-03 15:25:00
biblichorlover :
Hi, I know that this is less than ideal. But I know you are hurting a lot more than you are letting on. But you are doing so good, you’re so strong
2021-05-04 10:03:06
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