@aggieemily2013: first Al-Anon meeting was okay, and I'll give it the six they recommend before deciding if it's for me.
Region: US
Friday 23 July 2021 18:59:40 GMT
S S :
(1) as a recovering alcoholic (four years on 8/1), can I just say how wonderful it is to see you going to a meeting. my family did not make
2021-08-03 08:21:39
Kelly :
The "higher power" and prayer stuff is less important than the good stuff you'll get. Take the good and go along with the rest. Good for you!
2021-07-23 19:11:55
Christine, A Florida Woman :
Girl, I watched this whole damn story. Thank you. My family drama isn’t the same but the pain and hurt feels similar. You shared something so personal
2021-07-30 23:18:41
Mel AG110 :
I'm so glad I found your videos. I'm going through something similar and it's nice to see I'm not alone. I'm sorry you're in the same boat
2021-07-23 19:46:55
john park :
I literally just spent like an hour going through your videos!!!! just wanted to send you all the love and good vibes I can!!!!!!
2021-08-01 20:02:35
Renee Troy Racey :
I'm definitely going to check out a al-anon meeting now...similar family situation. Thanks for all of this!
2021-07-25 21:27:48
roxxc86 :
Your “higher power” doesn’t need to be religiously related, you could really make it anything. And prayer doesn’t have to be religious prayer either -
2021-08-01 20:28:08
krxstima :
Oh that’s the type of thing I need. I need to check for mtgs near me, not same situation but similar
2021-08-03 00:45:16
Leigh 🔮 :
I haven't been to any meeting like that but I probably should. I lost my brother this month last year to an overdose. not really dealing with it tbh😔
2021-07-31 23:07:38
Debbie❤🦋😇 :
I already said this but Codependents Anonymous was AMAZING for me and I actually healed A LOT! We read through all of the patterns of codependency.
2021-08-27 09:23:03
Gryffin 🍉 :
I really like DBT, they have an interpersonal effectiveness section that I found particularly helpful. I have indiv. and group every week
2021-07-24 01:35:52
Bratty_Punkin :
alnon does not require you to be religious at all but it's recommended, very sweet person, and it's very healing. ♡
2021-07-23 22:41:13
user9962921042298 :
It took me about 3 different meetings before finding one I liked. But overall found it helpful to know I wasn’t insane and other people can relate
2021-07-25 15:44:12
Life is Rosier :
I’m not religious. It was weird at first, but it’s really helped me more than I can say. I think of my higher power as the universe doing it’s thing.
2021-08-27 10:06:57
Tori :
Hiii your higher power can be whatever you want it to be it can be the wind the ocean the trees anything doesnt have to be God
2021-07-25 18:05:48
smussyolay :
You can use the group as a “higher power.” Prayer can be a regular meditation practice and/or reaching out to some people who can share their experien
2021-08-02 22:09:17
Meg :
I was part of Alateen...it helped me a lot. Just knowing that others had similar experiences helped. I didn’t choose my group, my mom did
2021-07-25 15:31:16
Mickey :
Not religious. But it helped me support my partner through his journey to sobriety and what toxic behavior has to be a hard no.
2021-07-29 01:01:04
Huckle berry :
I started going to nar anon a couple years ago before covid and it actually really helped me feel seen and accepted. I was the youngest person there –
2021-07-31 14:20:14
Coal Bee 🦞 :
(1) Idk if they have this where you are, but you might want to look into SMART Recovery & their affiliated support groups! Or other AA alternatives bc
2021-08-11 23:53:14
Jan Martin Johansen :
I have watched all your tik toks, do you want a hug? Much love and your familyhistory hurts me 😅
2021-07-23 19:51:49
MrsMacDazzle :
I’m always pro therapy (😂) My initial thought is that it might be difficult to find a less religious meeting due to your location but keep looking!
2021-07-23 22:59:19
Nope :
Al-Anon is based in Christianity, as is AA. But like someone else said, the good you get out is worth sitting through the faith stuff.
2021-07-23 20:58:21
drew :
i’ve been to a couple of al-anon meetings before and i strongly prefer ACA, i think you might find it more helpful too.
2021-08-29 06:43:48
K :
When I first started going to Al-Anon i hated it but forced myself to go to different meetings til I found one I liked. I’m not religious & at times
2021-07-26 00:42:01
Gwen H. :
I have a dear friend who has attended Al-Anon for years. He’s not overly religious, and he swears by it.
2021-07-27 10:15:51
Bratty_Punkin :
you find ppl who have similar messed up relationships and you listen, talk, share, and work your programs, and it's basically free.
2021-07-23 22:42:35
💜megemeg💛 :
Just curious if you have ever had or looked into EMDR therapy?
2021-07-24 23:00:07
betsyofpdx :
So it probably isn’t as earth shattering now, but al-anon taught me so much to heal my relationship with my father.
2021-07-23 19:38:32
My experience was great. My father and twin brother are recovering alcoholics. Great hear other folks experience. You are not alone. 💙💙💙
2021-07-23 20:57:43
Lile A :
Do u live ins houston?
2021-08-01 16:05:20
meg.sweetie13 :
It gets better and easier to share. They are some of the least judgmental people. What you’re going through they may have already gone to. I know in(1
2021-07-26 01:38:47
Glori.Bee :
Al-Anon saved me; meeting people going through similar experiences was validating. They have so many tips and mantras to help get through the trauma.
2021-08-30 14:41:16
clhandmade :
Honestly I hated anything AA. Smart Recovery helped me so much. They used science, had worksheets and homework. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-
2021-08-14 04:47:19
Augustus Chapek :
Just wanted to say I binged your whole family drama story, and gotta say I really empathized with you the whole way through, hope things get easier
2021-07-24 00:44:03
Rachel Phoenixgirrl :
I grew up going to AlaTeen. My dad got into recovery when I was 9. My mother was abused by alcoholic stepfathers. 1/
2021-08-27 04:24:09
Jackie Nicole :
Don’t worry about a higher power yet, as long as you can believe in *something* bigger than yourself (universe / physics / love) you’re fine.
2021-08-10 03:42:46
Mercedes :
You kick ass!
2021-07-25 15:49:30
Simone :
I have avoided al-anon for three years because I don’t want to deal with the church shit
2021-07-25 19:11:42
quack :
I was told you don't have to be religious, when they tell you to give it up to a higher power, that could be the coffee pot.
2021-07-25 19:57:28
Shan Kov :
Pick your own higher power- doesnt have to be GOD god. You’ll work it out. ❤️
2021-07-25 15:07:57
Leslie Knechtel :
I can’t deal with AA and AlAnon bcuz of all the religious stuff. They just shove shove shove. I can’t do it.
2021-07-26 00:31:13
K :
Tedious and annoying but you don’t have to believe in God or a higher power to use the principles of Al-Anon instead of let go and let god just let go
2021-07-26 00:39:50
CanadianNurse 🇨🇦 :
I don’t believe in god and I don’t pray and I’ve made the 12 steps work so you can do alanon without.
2021-07-25 10:51:10
Alison Torp :
Alanon is great and you will make friends who totally understand what you are going through and help you emotionally. ❤️
2021-07-25 03:42:22
kt :
wanted to say that ur beautiful soul&sharing your experience has really helped my own healing.narcissistic addicts don’t make great family members…
2021-07-26 06:23:00
Kelly Rose :
I’m not super religious and al anon makes me feel less alone. Therapy helps too
2021-07-25 00:23:33
💜megemeg💛 :
Also, find a sponsor ASAP
2021-07-24 23:05:36
JordyMf12 :
It took forever for me not to cry while speaking on trauma and NC and good for you for this step!!!
2021-07-30 00:10:21
irish_kolie :
I love al anon, it did work for me, it helps when you get a sponsor you click with. honestly, crying stops after a while as you get "stronger"
2021-07-30 00:19:26
To see more videos from user @aggieemily2013, please go to the Tikwm