@servicebearmabel: More info in comments #fakeservicedog #fakeservicedogs #fakeservicedogproblem #medicalequipment #servicedog #servicedogs #servicedogintraining #sdit
Therapy dogs are NOT the same as service dogs and are not permitted public access like service dogs
2021-08-08 22:40:12
definitelynotbellagoth :
therapy dogs also aren’t supposed to act like that…it probably wasn’t a real therapy dog
2021-08-09 00:15:23
Emily 🌸♍️ :
Karens with dogs…..😑😑
2021-08-08 23:25:53
your_fav_hannah_19 :
just curious are therapy dogs and psychiatric service dogs different if so how? (sorry I forgot if they're called psychiatric service dogs or not!)
2024-08-28 17:51:36
Alyx 🩵 :
My untrained corgi mix acts better in public (where he’s allowed of course) than this “therapy dog” mine is kind of an emotional support dog 1/2
2021-08-09 12:42:20
DamienDonner1208 :
Ok that’s a little dramatic the dog didn’t distract them or anything and there trained so they know not to react so calm down karens
2021-08-08 23:06:42
hutchymum :
doesn't matter if therapy dog or what...lunging dogs are not allowed in places like this
2021-08-09 10:34:00
TransBoyKole🏳️⚧️ :
That's insane. Theripy dogs either help people at home or schools n stuff. They don't get walked around like service dogs. Also never see a theripy -
2021-08-09 12:47:59
🩵💛Emily+Reba+Oakley💛 🩵🦮 :
at my school we have 3 therapy dogs and one of them (male Newfoundland weighting 130-150lbs) started barking and growling at my service dog (female rough collie 50lbs) the first time I ever met him.
2024-07-01 11:17:32
aphrodite.sage_ :
Poor mable- she’s like “wow dude” Maggie was like “this is a daily event”
2021-08-10 01:55:46
Bear :
is stitch working with someone else now before retirement?
2021-08-08 22:46:16
Simba Bascomb :
I wouldn’t say the dog lunged but was trying to walk over to come say hi and got snapped back by the leash.
2021-08-11 17:00:59
Sm0keyd4b3ar :
where do you get those watches??
2021-08-20 13:41:32
i hope you are okay🥺
2021-08-09 01:54:17
esme.1611 :
Oh my gosh hope your ok also think you and your pups are tots amazing 🥰
2021-08-08 22:45:36
Madison Ewing :
did the owners get any consequences? did you argue more after the clip ended?
2021-08-09 18:33:54
mAtt :
Also therapy dogs do require training so uhhh this lady all over the place 😅😅
2021-08-09 07:42:19
💜Keagan🫶🏼 :
What’s a therapy dog do?
2021-09-04 01:56:11
Venus Morningstar :
People that are in the area have been bringing their dogs (not service dogs) to stores and stuff and it’s like really it’s puts others in danger!
2021-08-15 22:39:22
🌻Melba🌻 :
Where can I get started on getting a SA fir my daughter who suffers from Tourette’s and seizures?? Are there grants to help pay??
2021-08-09 03:55:27
Nobody Educated :
This is very off topic and not related to the video at all but I have the same shoes
2022-01-08 18:25:46
Mon :
I can’t believe this keep happening. People need to understand that is not “oh lest just go with my puppy”, our lives Can be safe by this dogs
2021-08-09 03:03:23
Juliet.Buddy.Daisy :
There was an aggressive dog at the NON-PET FRIENDLY MALL and it barked and tried to attack my sdit luckily she handled it well but if smth happened she might of had to retire before she started
2024-07-31 05:33:22
Erika Jousi✨ :
so sorry that happened to you. I can't even imagine.
2021-08-09 01:24:37
To see more videos from user @servicebearmabel, please go to the Tikwm