@ari_novoa_: Forearms #fittiktoker #fittiktok #fittiktokmoms #Fitness #fyp #bodybuilding #bodypositivity #bodypositive #femalestrong #femalefitnessmotivation

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Region: US
Wednesday 06 October 2021 23:05:09 GMT




Biggie_Smalls :
If I tried this I would probably end up with tennis elbow 😂
2021-10-07 13:29:30
Light Miracle 👑🙏🏻 :
What would you call this move lol? Just wanna write it down in my things to do
2024-04-26 14:18:15
user628874800290 :
is the jawline also a result of a workout or is it only genetics
2021-10-07 14:17:49
gamer4life0103 :
Will it make my arms look more even my forearms are so small compared to my upper arms
2023-08-09 17:47:39
Dawn Docherty :
Can u post your arm routine please, trying to build my triceps cus I lost a lot of baby weight within the last year amd lost my mass also, #batwings
2021-10-08 03:13:18
Guess my name :
Thank you for the info... I'm definitely going to try this!
2021-10-07 15:26:31
Cinthya :
drop the arm workout damnnnn 😮‍💨
2021-10-14 04:18:30
SapphicSoutherner :
just @ the lesbians next time💃🏼💃🏼
2021-10-07 13:04:42
vibewithlove :
Hi how often should I workout to get the arms like this
2021-10-12 19:55:01
AngieRiojas :
dang, I've been doing it wrong all this time. thnx
2021-10-07 00:35:24
JulesC :
Zottoman curls are my favorite. They are also my least favorite.
2021-11-22 00:41:15
theblacksheep :
Im going to try this next time 😬
2021-10-08 00:04:04
alisamariad :
Will this work on fat arms? I have inherited my grandma's wings long before becoming an old woman. 😔 And I hate them!
2021-10-14 23:07:28
Madara uchiha :
You don’t wanna get on her bad side 😅
2021-10-07 13:05:36
Eight_Zero_ :
hell yeah.. or of my favorite To do...
2021-10-07 21:22:05
Nel :
If you were my Gyrl I’d be in the gym every morning before work and everyday after work.
2021-10-07 01:56:09
hOnEy-LynN :
nice 👍🏼
2021-10-07 15:08:51
A is for apples :
I love your workout
2021-10-07 12:17:14
DeMarquel :
Oh my 🤭😍
2021-10-06 23:17:38
Neda Fernandez :
oh thank you!!!
2021-10-07 14:57:16
👑🐝 :
I like this.. im definitely working that into my workouts!!
2021-10-07 17:39:03
big butts don't lie :
how long do you do that move for
2021-10-07 18:50:40
Nana Yaw9331 :
2021-10-12 14:37:10
To see more videos from user @ari_novoa_, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

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