@pedrinhoepaulinho: Adote um gatinho 🥺 #gatos #adote #felinos ib @Mais Gato Do Que Nunca

Pedrinho e Paulinho
Pedrinho e Paulinho
Open In TikTok:
Region: BR
Thursday 07 April 2022 16:07:23 GMT




Carla Santos :
Melhor q muita gente
2022-04-07 16:12:50
Laís Kelly Brandão Barros :
É sobre isso
2022-04-07 16:15:10
chelemoraes :
melhores seres do universo.amo meus mini trigrinhos🥰🥰🥰
2022-04-07 19:55:35
felipecaffarena :
Ter gatinho é bom demais , tenho sorte de ter 5 nenês lindos e saudáveis
2022-04-07 16:24:47
🍞😼 :
eu sempre quis ter um mais nunca julguei quem cuida que nem gente
2022-04-07 16:24:50
aiany Gabrielly :
Eu estive em ambos os lados. Já fui a q critiquei, mais hj N vejo minha vida sem o meu gorduxinho
2022-04-07 21:03:26
João :
Já tenho seis, não consigo parar 🥰
2022-04-08 01:02:10
Nilceia Facholi :
Verdade ❤️❤️❤️eles conquistam a gente pra valer ❤️❤️❤️
2022-04-07 22:38:18
Amanda Tóffolo :
não tenho mais com certeza melhor que muita gente . bicho só amor lealdade .
2022-04-08 00:46:49
Pele de Victor :
2022-04-08 12:53:18
Ana Luiza Peixoto :
e as pessoas reclamam que fazemos tudo por eles. fazemos sim nossa casa e nós somos o mundinho deles, merecem tudo do bom e do melhor.
2022-04-07 19:20:38
simonereis983 :
amo meus 7 Netinho 😼😼😼😼😼😼
2022-04-07 20:32:35
PetsdaV :
Exatamente assim! E vc nunca consegue ter só um! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
2022-04-08 21:56:08
brunacsancini :
ownn..esses dois são maravilhosos..obrigado por compartilhar essas fofuras com a gente.. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
2022-04-07 16:25:33
Sérgio Nicolau :
🥰 é o meu melhor amigo
2022-04-07 23:25:16
kkk :
sdds dessa experiência tão maravilhosa
2022-04-07 23:45:12
sandragouveia331@ :
nossa sempre tive desde de jovem , e a melhor companhia
2022-04-09 08:41:35
Camila Araujo :
Bem verdade! Nunca tinha tido gato e hoje sou apaixonada nesses felinos
2022-04-08 01:02:34
emersonalvesdossantos4 :
Não vivo sem a Mônica ela vai me buscar no portão todo dia a noite. Ela é uma criança.
2022-04-08 20:22:24
𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒏_.𝒎𝒐𝒂 :
vdd gatos são neném perfeito
2022-04-08 19:48:43
mimi :
meu pai odeia animais principalmente os gatos :(
2022-04-07 16:23:55
luana :
@isabellaasts @lorranacost2 @_juu_0
2022-04-08 11:53:16
Roberta De Borba :
@franciellen12queen @neiallpereira23 @leila_damasceno
2022-04-07 23:49:14
YuriCurioso😉 :
tenho um dog
2022-04-07 23:55:08
To see more videos from user @pedrinhoepaulinho, please go to the Tikwm homepage.

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With all the dms & comments lets talk about shall we? Gaslighting, a narcissist will gaslight yet put all the blame onto u for how they acted, theres never accountability, if blame come it will be put on u. Manipulation, avoidant behaviour such as denying certain claims & accusations even when evidence is present will be deflected & either put back onto u or a false narrative created to deflect the truth. Control, isolation from family & friends, false narratives to keep u away, they will have like minded people in their life to keep that control. 3rd party situations, it's important to note a narcissists previous relationship pattern, has there been repeated times of a discard when a new supply is on the scene? certain lies & stories told as to why the last person was discarded? love bombing & smearing the old supply to the new. Almost every narcissist will keep their old supply to create that constant control of the old supply cementing a trauma bond with the new supply & old. Cheating, a narcissist will cheat repeatidly will lie & cover it up but yet blame you for their actions & behaviour, they will consistently accuse u of cheating, it causes most victims to become avoidant dismissive individuals, & in some cases narcissistic themselves, they're groomed into thinking that love is trauma vs fear of actual genuine love. Trust issues, a narcissist will never trust u, u will have the same constant loop argument again & again. Lack of emotion or empathy, a narcissist will fain emotions when it suits them for gain or control, however when it comes to true emotions like su!cidal attempts or emotions towards your family & friends or life their real non emotions will come out believe them the first time. It's grooming, this is what holds that trauma bond, chasing after someone who will never show true emotions. Belittlement & law enforcement, a narcissist will treat you in a way either infront of people or at home vs when they have something to control or gain. The smear campaign for a narcissist happens during the relationship, they continuously make u feel like u are not enough, u are the problem, create false narratives behind your back to gain control that they are the victim not u, during & after the relationship. They will often threaten or call law enforcement on u to create a false narrative that u are the problem they like to show everyone that u are the one to blame, that's how they avoid deflect & tear u down, faining emotions for gain, they are always the victim. Rules, one set of rules for them & another for everybody else. They will send u crazy & blame u for reacting or responding. Control of your socials & movements,they will also use what they have to groom/control their victim into protecting/defending them. The new supply, narcissists love the control they cause in the new & old supply's surrounding life, they will strip the old supply from what little self worth they have with that new supply reaffirming a trauma bond, they'll lie repeatedly about the new supply to keep both doors open, they like to have backup plans & any other males or females involved will be targeted as competition, false narratives will occur to remove/gain control, & they will use false drama to lure u back. lastly as the audio states, brain damage, there is a medical reason why victims feel the way they feel, they're groomed continously often for years. Brain damage... let that sink in. I hope this can help some of you, be kinder to yourself, You are not alone you are not crazy 🙏 #narcissisticabuse #braindamage #medical #youarenotalone #notcrazy #victims #letthatsinkin
With all the dms & comments lets talk about shall we? Gaslighting, a narcissist will gaslight yet put all the blame onto u for how they acted, theres never accountability, if blame come it will be put on u. Manipulation, avoidant behaviour such as denying certain claims & accusations even when evidence is present will be deflected & either put back onto u or a false narrative created to deflect the truth. Control, isolation from family & friends, false narratives to keep u away, they will have like minded people in their life to keep that control. 3rd party situations, it's important to note a narcissists previous relationship pattern, has there been repeated times of a discard when a new supply is on the scene? certain lies & stories told as to why the last person was discarded? love bombing & smearing the old supply to the new. Almost every narcissist will keep their old supply to create that constant control of the old supply cementing a trauma bond with the new supply & old. Cheating, a narcissist will cheat repeatidly will lie & cover it up but yet blame you for their actions & behaviour, they will consistently accuse u of cheating, it causes most victims to become avoidant dismissive individuals, & in some cases narcissistic themselves, they're groomed into thinking that love is trauma vs fear of actual genuine love. Trust issues, a narcissist will never trust u, u will have the same constant loop argument again & again. Lack of emotion or empathy, a narcissist will fain emotions when it suits them for gain or control, however when it comes to true emotions like su!cidal attempts or emotions towards your family & friends or life their real non emotions will come out believe them the first time. It's grooming, this is what holds that trauma bond, chasing after someone who will never show true emotions. Belittlement & law enforcement, a narcissist will treat you in a way either infront of people or at home vs when they have something to control or gain. The smear campaign for a narcissist happens during the relationship, they continuously make u feel like u are not enough, u are the problem, create false narratives behind your back to gain control that they are the victim not u, during & after the relationship. They will often threaten or call law enforcement on u to create a false narrative that u are the problem they like to show everyone that u are the one to blame, that's how they avoid deflect & tear u down, faining emotions for gain, they are always the victim. Rules, one set of rules for them & another for everybody else. They will send u crazy & blame u for reacting or responding. Control of your socials & movements,they will also use what they have to groom/control their victim into protecting/defending them. The new supply, narcissists love the control they cause in the new & old supply's surrounding life, they will strip the old supply from what little self worth they have with that new supply reaffirming a trauma bond, they'll lie repeatedly about the new supply to keep both doors open, they like to have backup plans & any other males or females involved will be targeted as competition, false narratives will occur to remove/gain control, & they will use false drama to lure u back. lastly as the audio states, brain damage, there is a medical reason why victims feel the way they feel, they're groomed continously often for years. Brain damage... let that sink in. I hope this can help some of you, be kinder to yourself, You are not alone you are not crazy 🙏 #narcissisticabuse #braindamage #medical #youarenotalone #notcrazy #victims #letthatsinkin
