@soul_star_sanctuary: I hope this little melody brings peace and freedom to your being. We must tend to our inner worlds and be enchanted by them.. especially these days… and bring forth and offer all the beauty we can possibly muster 💞✨🧚♀️ I feel blessed to be able to share these little songs with you!I’m so excited to share longer 20-60 min sound journeys with you via an online sound sanctuary/portal we are creating for you! Sound journeys will be available for purchase soon.. with an amazing membership option for the very best value! It’s a dream come true to share this medicine with you! It is the most natural thing ever to bring through. Sign up for the free 20 minute sound bath in the link in our bio to get on our mailing list and to stay up to date on all we are creating for you!💞🙏🏻✨Sending so much love!!!#soundhealing #soundbath #soundvoyage #soundmeditation #meditationmusic #frequenciavibracional #frequencymusic #musicismedicine #soundtherapyhealing #vocalalchemy #divinefeminine #earthship #hempcretehome #432hz #crownchakrahealing #starseedwisdom #soundhealer #relaxationmusic#fairycore #tonguedrum #soundalchemy #soundbath