@gatorchris1: Trained professional never attempt. Look at that big boofy head mate!! As the late great Steve Irwin would say! Hanging out with Seven a bit and showing off his size! Sorry the audio is a little off, he splashed the mic. More info on him from previous posts-At @EHP Seven is our biggest gator at EHP, he’s 10ft and likely around 350-400lbs. He gets the name 7 for a weird reason- alligators have five toes on the front feet, four toes on the back feet, so a total of 8 back feet toes. He is missing one of his back foot toes, so he only has 7 total back foot toes. So his name is 7, makes perfect sense right? He has his own enclosure all to himself now, he’s gotten too big and aggro to be in with the other gators as he can easily kill some of the smaller ones in the main enclosure. That of course did not happen, but we made the move preemptively. I know everyone is asking about it and if he’s lonely or if we will put a female in- no, it’s not worth the risk to lose another gator’s life, and Seven is very happy where he is now. We already did a trial period of him with a limited few others and it wasn’t working out. The enclosure is of sufficient size for a single animal. The water is also cleaned and refilled daily, but it is well water and this area it has a high iron content, giving the water the yellow color, even though it is clean. We feed our gators at the rescue once a week, that’s it, and only a few pieces each. 40lbs between about 20 gators, once a week. _ #Gator #alligator #Florida #SouthFlorida #Everglades#glades #adventure #coexist #respect #reptile #dangerous #animal #animals
Christopher Gillette
Region: US
Thursday 21 July 2022 22:02:58 GMT
Rachel :
Your work is incredible!
2022-07-21 22:37:55
Meg smith :
When you touched his nose I said boop 😂
2022-07-22 13:18:48
Anlibet :
Cuando sienta que mi vida ya no vale nada lo intentaré
2022-08-21 02:24:21
Sarah Leonard :
Idk how I got on gator tok but I’m fascinated and here for it 😳😍
2022-08-08 01:56:52
Maxime Lemire :
Seven is my favorite!
2022-07-21 22:37:47
. :
they seam so gentle yet so aggressive at the same time
2022-07-21 22:23:35
notreallybrayden :
I’m using that caption as a primary source 😂
2022-07-23 12:53:39
felicia :
seven can be gentle when he wants ur work is impressive! 🥰🥰god bless u and Gabby 💜♥️💜🐊🐊
2022-07-22 14:57:30
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