1) their pain med recommendation absolutely worked. 2) they got it all out. 3) jokes aside, I had the best parents ever.
2022-08-02 02:37:31
Jess :
My parents are RNs. We never went to the hospital. After I moved out, I heard they started an IV on my brother 😂.
2022-08-02 02:48:20
Anqiie Rose :
omg my dad never took me always told me get some mustard and wait on my mama 😂😂😂 because they always had to take me either asthma or broken open wounds
2025-01-18 02:05:36
SoberandProud(Allyson) :
Some of us are lucky to be alive, lol!
2022-08-02 02:40:47
Linda Bonine :
SEVERE SUNBURN!! they finally took me when I went into shock
2022-08-02 02:44:26
Nope. :
Lol ok but being a kid in the 80s/90s was so much more fun. I feel bad for these sheltered bubble kids.
2022-08-02 02:42:37
Megan :
When I was 9ish my recently pierced ear healed over the earring back so it was embedded in my ear. Nurse Mom just dug it out and wiped with peroxide.
2022-08-02 02:41:57
Dee_4493 :
Stepped on a rusty nail. My dad pulled the nail out, washed my foot with bar soap & water and slapped some MercuroChrome on. Bandaid. B home 4 supper!
2022-08-02 03:48:55
Macsweetie77 :
Not an ER visit but when I had the chickenpox someone told my mom to give me an oatmeal bath and I remember quaker oats floating around in the tub😂
2022-08-02 03:18:08
MichelleS :
I flew off my bike in the street onto the back of my head and blacked out. I rode the bike home and spent 3 days dizzy! Can you say concussion?
2022-08-02 02:39:32
SoberandProud(Allyson) :
It was a totally different time back then!
2022-08-02 02:40:26
lemon.events :
I fell and hit my eye on the corner of a table at the stroke of midnight on NYE and split it open. They taped gauze on it. Happy new year! 😂
2022-08-02 02:41:46
Jenn Dize 🍉💋 :
Omg I feel this. And now my mom tells me I need to go to doctors and wonders why it never occurs to me 🙄
2022-08-02 02:39:04
Sarah Hershberger :
My favorite of many: I caught a chipmunk by the tail, it bit me on the finger. My parents washed it and put a bandaid on it and sent me back to play!
2022-08-02 02:51:15
Earth Hag :
rode down a half mile hill on a bike with no breaks. turned a corner and ran head first into a tree. tree owner came out and woke me and took me home
2022-08-02 02:40:45
christinehayes971 :
Asthma attack when I was 17. My mom - you're fine. I was not fine. 😳
2022-08-02 02:49:01
user6179745055974 :
I jumped off the porch landing on a landscaping timber nail. now went through my foot. Dad cleaned it up and wrapped it up.
2022-08-02 02:43:49
MistyaKan :
When I was 13 I had appendicitis. Mom said it was just a stomach bug. A day later I had to have an emergency appendectomy 😳
2022-08-02 02:41:34
lindamanhartphill :
My brother broke his right arm twice in 6 months. So a week later I had a football go between my pinky and ring finger. My mom said to just wiggle it
2022-08-02 02:40:52
Amanda Handfinger :
When I was around 4 I fell into our kerosene heater and burned my left arm from my wrist to shoulder. Mom put vitamin E on it. Amazingly no scars.
2022-08-02 02:38:53
Betty :
The doctor came to our house after I cut my foot on glass
2022-08-02 02:38:38
Missyp2001 :
7 yrs old flipped over my handlebars. After 2 weeks of complaining and a knot that didn’t go away. Broke clavicle
2022-08-02 02:49:06
moviefan782014 :
sliced my finger open carving a jack o lantern when I was 10 . no stitches, just good old superglue. I still have the scar 🤷♂️😂
2022-08-02 03:09:09
kscantwell :
I had stitches in my hand. The doctor removed them said not to get it wet, my dad washed it as soon as we got home and it popped open. They wrapped it
2022-08-02 02:41:58
DaisyCat68 M :
Used to get strep throat often as a kid. Once fever hit 105, they put me in a tub w/ water & bottles of rubbing alcohol. 😬
2022-08-02 04:14:35
Valerie :
Mama was an RN, I was 28 the first time I went
2022-08-02 03:48:40
Prof. Moonkies :
Born 1989: I was a few months old and broke out in hives from head to toe after eating egg.
2022-08-02 02:40:27
BrandiFromTCU :
When I cut my big toe off on a stationary bike. It stripped the bone. My mom used super glue.
2022-08-02 02:42:56
dayschris 🇨🇦 :
Stepped on a nail, straight thru. Dad pulled it and put my foot in water and vinegar. Done. Never saw a doctor. 😁
2022-08-02 05:46:45
Oliver Pickles - Rosie Gherkin :
Omg. Same! Glass in foot on NYE in 80’s when I dropped a champagne glass. My dad was pissed I broke his champagne glass,
2022-08-02 02:40:04
Kylie :
cracked my skull open... my dad was a paramedic.. stitched me up but some local anaesthetic would have been thoughtful
2022-08-02 05:14:11
beautifully broken :
about 11 years old was swimming in the pond my brother threw a brick in I swam over it cut the side of my knee to the bone my dad closed it with duct
2022-08-02 02:42:09
Linnie 🌈 :
Um hi, did we have the same parents? The same thing happened to me when I was like 4 😳
2022-08-02 02:51:59
LosAngela :
In mose cases We used to do “ Walk it Off” treatment😂
2022-08-02 02:43:38
nascent_joy :
So many times. I remember having the most severe headache of my life for several days, I couldn't stop sleeping, I was about 6 maybe?
2022-08-02 02:40:52
user5685275396716 :
Every head injury. My brother was completely knocked out several times
2022-08-02 02:54:58
Indoor Cat :
Dog bite through my foot. I was 16 I think. Mom told me to rinse it off and stick a bandaid on it. After 3 days, it went green 🙃
2022-08-02 03:58:03
Britt :
I was about 7 and I had a very high fever over 105 and I was literally hallucinating 🫠 Didn’t understand what hallucinating was at the time either😅
2022-08-02 02:43:24
Candy, IRS Problem Solver :
I stepped on a pencil. mom tried to dig the lead out. it is still in my foot.
2022-08-02 02:43:11
Thaysa.dk :
@Dr. Joe, M.D. 🩺 I went thru a barbed wire fence and it’s poked me everywhere I was a human blood shower
2022-08-02 05:14:18
Khadija Mohammed :
Fell off a bike & my elbow was bleeding badly. Told to wash it off and sent to my room until is stopped crying. 2 hrs later still crying... cont'd
2022-08-02 03:24:26
trixie1040 :
I broke my arm sliding off a slip N slide. Mom said I was being dramatic . Took me to the doctor the next day when she saw my arm was disfigured
2022-08-02 04:24:01
None :
I blew into a container of seven dust at about 4 yrs old. It was all in my eyes and likely my respiratory tract. They basically water boarded me.🤦♀️
2022-08-02 04:16:09
Regina :
My mom slammed on her brakes when someone cut her off, I was behind the passenger seat standing up. My face hit the dashboard! knocked me out cold! 😳
2022-08-02 02:50:12
Same! They “Sterilized” a sewing needle with a match & then used the needle to dig the glass out. Gave me a bandaid. Yeah, it got infected!
2022-08-02 02:48:56
Heather Weather :
fell off my bike and dislocated my jaw. several days later she took me to a chiropractor to get it popped back in. 😳
2022-08-02 04:10:18
Katie Shaw :
That happened to me at the same age…my dad used a knife.
2022-08-02 02:42:00
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