@flyforaginger: I feel like a princess in this dress 💕 Obviously it would work best with a strapless bra and you may want to size down if you aren't blessed in the chest! The sleeves are my favorite part!! Who else is a sucker for puff sleeves!? —- Plus size haul / Plus size try on / Plus size fashion / Plus size dress / Size 26 dress / Size 26 fashion —- Like ❤️ + Follow ✅ for more plus size fashion content 💅🏻 @eloquii #PlusSizeLifestyle #BopoBabe #BodyPos #BopoWarrior #RespectMyCurves #LoveMyCurves #FatAndHappy #PlusSizeConfidence #PlusAndProud #AllBodiesAreBeautiful #FatAndFabulous #FatBabesDoingThings #BeautyAtAnySize #BigGirlFashion #FatGirlFashion #Fatshionista #FatFashion #FatGirlSummer #FatModel #SizeInclusive #PlusSizeOutfits #NaturalModel #StyleAtAnySize #DopamineDressing #PlusBlogger #BloggerChic #SanDiegoBlogger #GingerPower #GingerPride #PsoriasisAwareness