@belightcare: These are the most common reasons someone with dementia won’t shower. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the advice I have! The spa day certificate tip works best in care communities or if a person comes into the home to assist with a shower. However, you can still make it a big deal if you are a personal caregiver! What other tips do you have? #dementiaawareness #caregiver #lewybodydementia #dementia #korsakoffsyndrome #memoryloss #frontotemporaldementia #alzheimers #vasculardementia #neurocognitivedisorder #endalz #speechtherapy #slptobe #speechlanguagepathology #slp #otr #occupationaltherapy #cota #physicaltherapy #PT #PTA
Adria Thompson
Region: US
Wednesday 14 September 2022 19:25:22 GMT
Megan :
They’re always motivating my gma by telling her that I’m coming to visit. I go every day 🥰
2022-09-14 19:58:45
Taylor :
We’re always having a “nice dinner” and need to wash up before it
2022-09-14 19:48:42
gabi :
I built my grandma a cute bathing kit. soap shampoo loofah etc. every day I say LOOK AT WHAT I GOT YA! everyday it works.
2022-09-23 23:24:06
theautisticrn :
Some of our ladies, we tell them we will curl their hair or do their makeup but they have to get cleaned up first. They love it!
2022-09-15 12:34:25
Sara :
Rubber duckys work too. A lot of older folks didn't have them as kids so it would be a bid deal for them to have some.
2022-09-15 12:40:13
Syd :
I know it’s bad, but we had residents in the past who would only get in the tub if we said “oh no you’re starting to get smelly! Gotta clean you up!”
2022-09-15 03:09:31
Whisker Wizard :
Thanks for posting this kind of content
2022-09-14 19:57:52
Adria Thompson :
I have so much more content about showering someone with dementia on Instagram @belightcare!
2022-09-15 14:28:48
Sheri :
oh goodness you have a doctors appt! They asked me to put this special soap on your back because you have a little sore. Trick of the trade
2022-09-14 19:54:03
Habibti_G :
“We need to get ready for a date “ or “ we are going to a wedding this evening”
2022-09-15 02:26:07
Dawn :
Great advice always is💜💙💚
2022-09-14 19:34:44
Ava Lin :
I tell my resident that he is going somewhere (dinner/ traveling...)
and need to get ready
2022-09-15 09:28:41
Sandrine Damours :
I always love your videos!! I improved a lot as as beneficiary attendant:)
2022-09-14 20:28:22
~t~ :
I didn't hear the dimenta part so I was very confused
2022-09-18 19:23:45
Karen Berhow651 :
We would tell my mother-in-law “I have the shower ready that you asked me for a few minutes ago!” She never wanted to admit that she forgot anything.
2022-09-14 23:31:35
Amy :
my gram like snacks and rea 😂
2022-09-14 20:11:32
Birta María Torfadóttir :
It really helps to motivate the lady’s to put curlers in there hair after the shower. They are always ready to shower if the get there hair curled.
2022-09-15 00:13:39
Karen :
I tell them that I need to do laundry and I want to wash the pjs they have on so they can wear them to bed tonight. 😊
2022-09-18 14:16:27
lolasmithand8x :
why would you shave or cut their hair if they didn't want that
2022-09-15 19:22:39
Judy :
Thank you for sharing. Your content helps me so much on a daily basis with my mom.
2022-09-16 00:28:39
Lindyloo :
You’re the best! I highly recommend caregivers watch you! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
2022-09-14 19:43:28
Dan Salinger :
Wow. Great idea.
2022-09-14 19:35:06
young463 :
Say, hey would you like your shower before or after breakfast?
2022-09-14 22:02:09
Sailing_suzie :
my trick was to not "say" anything, but to accompany them to the bathroom to go to the toilet, and turn the shower on.
2022-09-14 20:26:32
Debbie Upchurch :
QUESTION: Daddy don’t Wash hisself good enough. I’m not comfortable doing it. He even says he don’t need to use a washrag. HELP?
2022-09-14 20:03:59
Beckyyy :
I think from my experience planting a seed usually works as well. Just saying hey whenever you want to take a shower just tell me
2022-09-14 19:58:14
Sweetheart(MamaSwiftsVersion) :
I had the opposite problem. She showerd every day and kept saying she was never allowed to shower and she was soo dirty etc. 😂She was a lovely lady😂
2022-09-15 09:15:04
Tamics67 :
What great suggestions! That is one of the more difficult issues we see.
2022-09-14 23:47:10
Nesa :
We’ve discovered that telling my mom ‘YOU asked me to remind you to shower cuz u were too weak yday’… IT WIORKS! I put it on her 😉👍🏼
2022-09-15 04:00:53
Tennis1031 :
We used to tell my dad he had a business meeting.
2022-09-16 01:20:07
Bb🏖 :
Great ideas THANK YOU
2022-09-14 19:50:02
Christina Palmer :
how do you go from letting them wash themselves to helping? MIL I don't think sheis properly washing. 😕
2022-09-14 20:26:31
Tanisha Vivian :
You need to do YouTube!
2022-09-15 00:00:42
rose.davo :
good tips 👍
2022-09-15 13:59:37
Sara Huff :
I run into this all the time! The spa day idea is brilliant
2022-09-15 01:41:13
Luna🇪🇺 :
we change their bedsheets on shower day and i tell them "isn't it nice go to bed that has clean sheets when you're clean as well"
2022-09-17 19:57:06
Erin (Taylor’s version) 🧣 :
this feels so sad that u have to manipulate ppl :(( I’m not saying it’s wrong I know it’s for good but it makes me so sad idk
2022-09-19 20:57:41
sophielaurenpearl :
When they are a sleeper of tuna juice in their armpits so they take another@aditi_scaia
2022-10-12 03:59:05
Lisa van der Wilt :
We tell Oma that church is tomorrow... it works haha :D
2022-09-18 13:50:47
Anna Edwards :
@emilEEEEEEEE👹 this is for u
2022-11-09 22:10:20
sirensong85 :
yeah once my grandmother would decide she didn't want to shower there was literally nothing we could say or do to change her mind😞
2022-09-14 23:17:22
ciara :
my mum used to tell her nan that cliff richard was going to come and visit her so she had to shower
2022-09-14 23:15:52
Natalie Phillips8168 :
If someone told me I smelled bad, it would motivate me to shower. I assume saying this is a bad idea?
2022-09-14 22:05:21
julia🤍 :
another great tip is if they have a favorite movie/show get a tablet or phone shower cover and put it in shower with there fav show/movie on :)
2022-09-14 19:57:10
emma wilding :
On days my great grandma didn’t want a shower I’d say „well why don’t I just do your back with the nice body lotion“ and then I could usually convince
2022-09-14 19:53:53
Ixura🎱 :
Amazing video as always!
2022-09-14 19:51:15
Suzin :
Thank you!! You are so helpful for so many issues
2022-09-16 01:27:14
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