@jacobzemer: Life is hard enough without bulgarian split squats, I’m kidding but seriously this is a very difficult movement pattern to learn. Standing upright on a single leg can be very difficult for people when they are new to training. Eventually I believe it’s a necessity but there are easier way to learn the movement pattern. Enter single leg leg press, I don’t believe this is an exact replication of bulgarian split squats but there is enough similarity to start with for beginners. Eventually I would still like to see a client transition over into a traditional bulgarian split squat for functional training purposes. This Single leg press always has merit for hypertrophy. #splitsquat #legday #hypertrophy #legworkout #muscles #workoutvideos #workoutvids #fitnesstips #fitnesstrainer #performancecoach #personaltrainer #nyctrainer #nycfitnesstrainer #nycfitfam #nycfitness