@ourfulltimeadventure: A Day in the VanLife : NYC edition • Anyone who has done van-life/car dwelling on the East Coast knows that city camping will happen a decent amount of the time. We typically have the desire to be out in the middle of nowhere, decently far from everything but we’ve come to grow appreciation for this city “camping” too. City vanlife is frowned upon but we’ve come to realize how cool it can be. In NYC, everything is within walking distance from Trader Joe’s to the gym and so much more. We have been able to save money on fuel being able to walk everywhere, which is definitely a plus. You can stay here for probably ever and do something completely different everyday. As we head towards Maine, this isn’t our last City Stay so make sure to come along. • 🤩follow @ourfulltimeadventure for more travel tips and tiny living content🤩 • • #nycvanlife #vanlife #vanlifemovement #truckcamper #truckcamping #truckcamperlife #vanlifestyle #vanlifediaries #vanlifeexplorers #truckcamperadventure #rvlife #nomad #nomadlife #nomadict #roadtrip #roadlife #vanlifeideas #travelblogger #vanlifeblog #travelcouple