@amykarenn: Sharing some of my favourite neck stretches. My video is sped up, please make sure to move slowly and mindfully. 🌝 Find a comfortable seated area, make sure you keep your spine nice and straight, avoid unnecessary pressure to your neck. 🌝 Tip your head gently to the right side, lowering your ear toward your right shoulder. Notice the nice gentle stretch here, when you inhale see if you can relax a little bit more and during your exhale try to let go of any unnecessary stresses you may be carrying with you. Stay here for a few breaths before you move on to the other side. 🌝 during these gentle neck stretches may you find ease to welcome a brand new week ahead and to let go of the negative thoughts that weight you down. Do you have a intention that you are choosing to bring with you to welcome a new week ahead ? #aloonyou #alochallenge #aloyoga #aloyogachallenge #inmyalo #yoga #yogajourney #yogainspiration #yogamom #yogamama #yogapractice #compasspose #yogareels #igyoga #igyogacommunity #neckstretches #intentionsetting