@sillyyerba: I can’t believe it was this easy? It actually bothered me so much. I feel a strong sense of relief right now. I didn’t know my hair could look like this. I thought it was going to be one of those flaws I’d have to live with or work hard to change everyday but no. This was all I needed LOL AH if youre sporting an aggressive side part, just know youre gonna have that shit forever 😀 also if you have a habit of flipping your hair or constantly combing back one side with ur hand? U better stop LOL or ull end up like me 👹 Hair color: @Lunar Tides (Neon tangerine, neon guava, neon like, nightshade) Code: SILLYYERBA15 for a discount!!💖 #sorryitsmari #cowlick #cowlickcorrection #hairtutorial #hairtricks #facialsymmetry #hairtips