@foodwithgeorge: Andorra - Trinxat…Around the World - Episode 4 (finally) Trinxat is a savory Andorran dish typically eaten in the colder months and it consists of chopped mashed cabbage and potatoes with garlic, bacon, salt, pepper, and olive oil. The mash gets flattened into a pancake then fried in oil and garnished with bacon pieces and parsley. Apologies for the delay on getting around to the ‘Around the World’ series…Medicine may have to come on a bit in order for me to get to Zimbabwe #foo#foodo#foodrecipec#recipevideor#worldfooda#travela#travelfooda#traveleatso#foodtravelo#foodbloggero#foodworldc#Recipeo#foodrecipesodvideo #andorra #trinxat #andorran