@trinhgeorg: How to get rid of the crow's feet of your eyes. Simply do this exercise everyday, 3 sets, 1 minute per set. Work out your face muscles just like you do with your body. There are 42 individual muscles on your face underneath your skin. It is worth learning how to activate all your face muscles individually with face yoga. One study found that performing regular facial exercises over the course of 20 weeks led to fuller cheeks and a more youthful appearance. Face yoga enables your skin to get a fresh dose of oxygen. It improves its elasticity, stimulates the production of collagen and makes your skin look younger. Simple exercises make huge differences. It only takes you 2 to 3 minutes a day. #facelift #faceyoga #faceexercise #beautyhacks #beautytips #antiaging #wrinkles #trinhgeorg #eyes #crowfeet #crowfeeteraser