@thebarefootsprinter: Running shoe companies won’t tell you this, but new shoes won’t fix your bad form. If you’re heel striking, it’s because your feet and lower legs aren’t strong enough. Your feet, ankles, and lower legs are springs. But when you heel strike, you use none of that. Great running, elite speed, and functional strength start with the solid foundation of strong feet. That’s exactly what my Ready To Run program is for. DM me “FEET” on IG to learn more or hit the link in my bio. Let’s get you that strong foundation. - - - - - #footcare #feet #foot #Running #runnersfeet #footpain #toes #run #runner #athlete #toe #anklepain #ankles #mobility #movement #barefoot #footstrength #athletic#plyometrics #sprint #jump #jumping #bounce #plyo #athlete #speed #power #explosiveness