@cookinginthemidwest: This mummy pizza calzone is perfect for Halloween! #marthawhitepartner Recipe -2 packs of Martha White Pizza Crust -1 cup of water -pizza sauce -mozzarella cheese -pepperoni Steps -mix pizza crust with water following the directions on the package -form into a dough ball, cover with oil, and let sit for about 5 minutes -on a piece of parchment paper roll out pizza dough into an oval shape -move pizza crust and parchment paper onto a sheet pan -spread pizza sauce down the middle of the oval -add mozzarella cheese and pepperoni -using a pizza cutter cut strips along both sides of the pizza toppings -pull the strips to the opposite side alternating/overlapping the pizza crust -pinch/seal any seams -bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes -add olives for eyes and serve Enjoy!! Let me know if you try it out! #mummypizzacalzone #pizza #pizzacrustrecipes #marthawhite #halloween #halloweenrecipes #halloweenappetizers #appetizers