@katarinaterentieva: “I feel like because I was a reality star, I had to work so much harder to set myself apart and have people take me seriously, says @Christine Quinn in her @PAPER Magazine interview. When building your personal brand and extending it into other ventures/businesses, it’s important to know HOW you want to be remembered. Your reason for wanting to create impact is how you build a community who cares about you just as much as you care about them. This is the secret to Christine’s success👏🏻 #personalbrandingtips #personalbrandingconsultant #keypersonofinfluence #brandstrategy #storytellingtips #personalbranding #celebritybrands #christinequinn #howtobeaninfluencer #marketingstrategy #personalbrandstrategy #sellingsunset #sellingsunsetnetflix #papermagazine #fashionindustrystories #greenscreen