@the.spiritbody.architect: Bodyweight Core Workout LIKE 🙏 TAG 👍 SAVE ✅ 3 exercises that address your Core especially all the stabilizing structures of the anterior chain - done as a circuit one after the other💪💯👍 Perform each exercise for 40 sec. / 20 sec. rest. Go for 3- 4 rounds😀👍 💪hollow body flutters 💪shoulder bridge to sit up 💪high plank - alternating knee to ellbow(diagonal) to side toe touch Enjoy your core on fire and developing a strong and stable center of your body as a result💯 SAVE THIS AWESOME WORKOUT✅ #findyoursuperpower #movementismedicine #bodyweight #strengthandconditioning #abworkout #abs #workoutideas #coreworkout #fitnessisalifestyle #moveyourbody #fitfamdeutschland #youareyourowngym #functionalworkout #connectwithyourbody #holisticliving #fitover50 #körpergewichtstraining #outdoortraining #shredded #bodyweighttraining #trainanywhere #getlean #strengthandconditioning #yogadudes #strengthandmobility #over50fitness #CoreTraining #WorkOutMotivation #sixpacks #Gymnastics #sixpackabs