@jacobzemer: Everybody likes a great triceps pump, but the issue with is it ends up becoming an issue with scapular stability because you can’t keep your shoulder blades retracted. Let me show you a better way. We’re going to take a seat on the bench and use this as a tactile cue (a point of contact that helps us keep our shoulder blades squeezed around the object) so we can put all the emphasis on our arms and not on our shoulders. Do you have an issue keeping your shoulder blades together and want to learn how to address it further? Comment below and we may do a video on it. #triceps #tricepsextension #tricepspump #scapularstability #scapularretraction #upperbody #upperbodywork #upperbodyworkout #armworkout #armsworkout #workoutvids #workoutvideo #training #trainingtips #trainertips #formtips #muscle #personaltrainer #nyctrainer #nycfitnesstrainer #nycfitfam