@drmikeisraetel: Squatting tips for quad growth: 1.) Let your quads go as far over your toes as possible while you can still have your heels on the ground. 2.) Pick a stance that’s comfortable and lets you go deep without rounding over. Narrow vs. wide doesn’t matter much, because as long as your knees go far over your toes, your quads will get most of the stimulus. 3.) Descend under control to get more growth and increase safety. No dive-bombing. 4.) Keep your chest nice and high. This will reduce the amount of workload your back takes and increase the workload your legs take. PS ignore my grip on here… take whatever grip is comfy and stable for you. Want to train like me? Join the #teamfullrom forum along with @jared_feather @charlton_banks and let us help!! #rpstrength