@nativesaiyan: in the last mo.th I gained 4 lbs. that's ok. journeys have their ups and downs. it's all not linear. but are you just going to fail or learn from the fail? it's a lesson not a fail. also check out the pinned video and the video before this to see what the experiment is amd tell me how it is going in the comments. what did you notice from the 2 videos. how are the interactions of those videos? #nativesaiyan #obesetobeast #thisismystory #notmyfinalform #iwanttoworkoutwithyou #weightlosszumba #weightlossyoga #weightlossworkout #weightlossvsfatloss #weightlossupdate #weightlossquote #weightlossprograms #weightlossoatmeal #weightlossnutrition #weightlossmotivation #weightlossliquiddiet #weightlossjouney #weightlossinspiration #weightlosshelp #weightlosshack #weightlossgoals #weightlossfood #weightlossexercise #weightlossdiet #weightlisscheck #weightlossbeforeandafter #weightlossaccount @nativesaiyan @nativesaiyan