@theloveforgardening: Some of you may know I am struggling growing carrots. It is one of the crops that hit and miss. I have noticed that growing carrots for me in spring and chances I will be more successful growing them than in the fall. One thing that I see much different is the sunlight. We don’t get much sunlight during fall and winter. Other than that, I did the same method when growing carrots. Varieties I am growing this season are 🥕Royal Chantenay carrot 🥕Scarlet Nantes 🥕Tender sweet carrot 🥕Rainbow carrot ( not shown in this reel) These varieties can mature within 70-80 days, but mine always takes longer. Soil: very loose soil. I use potting mix and amend the soil with worm composting, azomite, and all-purpose fertilizer. 🥕Planted carrots 1/2 inch deep Thining: I like to thin them when they are about 1-2 inches tall. Then thin again when they are about 5-6 inches tall. 🥕Fertilizer: I used worm castings & bone meal every 3 weeks Water is the key. I make sure the soil is moist. I have irrigation set up every other day for about 15 minutes. 🥕Sunlight: morning sun is best. They received the sunlight for 6-8 hours plus That’s all I can think of for growing carrots today. I’ll try to grow them again in the fall and see how it goes. Do you like growing carrots? #carrots #growingcarrots #carrottips #growingcarrotsisfun #rootveggies #growingmyownfood #growingveggies #homegrowncarrots #backyardgardener #growing #gardening #backyardgardening