Honey, its not stupid, your feelings are valid. You don't need that negative energy anyways. You're awesome. Sending you good vibes and hugs. 💜💜💜
2022-11-19 02:42:22
Aston the DeafBlind Trick Dog :
Sending you love 💕 you’re so strong and we’re here for you if there’s anything we can do to help
2022-11-19 03:03:46
Dr Zoyander Street :
Thank you for sharing this update, and for protecting your wellbeing on this app. I hope this winter has moments of peace and joy despite the struggle
2022-11-19 02:37:22
Ardat Alessa :
it's definitely not stupid! you have been through a hell of alot, you're facing a hell of alot. protect your energy as much as you can. You deserve to feel safe. I hope you will be presented with a solution quickly!!!
2022-11-19 02:36:13
Lily :
"sometimes I worry my body isn't as tough as I am, and I worry about not being able to keep up" I've been trying to word this, thank you. I'm crying
2022-11-19 21:38:07
Mae :
thinking of you so much! sending so much Love! you've got to deal with it the best way for yourself. 💜💜🥺🙏🏼
2022-11-19 02:28:18
Chriss Coo :
We’re all here for you. Things will get better. 🙏🏻♥️
2022-11-19 02:43:23
💚 :
You got this, Good things are coming.
2022-11-19 02:22:45
Jessiy :
Just not alone with concern about health concerns hun. I don’t know what you go through but I know weather changes create huge issues for me as well
2022-11-19 02:26:50
gabwritesrandomly :
You got this. And if you can’t handle people being mean with you that is so valid and there is nothing stupid about that do what you can to help
2022-11-19 02:48:29
Brittanie Preston :
A lot of us, including me, are here for you and rooting for you ❤️
2022-11-20 00:36:15
PollyAnna Brown :
You need a break ❤️
2022-11-19 19:41:49
Mary A :
We are here for you. I truly hope you can get the medical help you need. Be strong, you deserve better. Prayers for you!
2022-11-19 18:31:45
Dezza :
If I had to go back to the winter I would … I don’t know what I would do…. I don’t know if this would help…
2022-11-19 02:57:22
TheBalesky :
Come to Texas
2022-11-19 14:53:22
💜MeLiSsA💜 :
Honey, it's not stupid. You are thinking about what you may have to go through and u sure don't need peoples bullshit on top of it. We are here 4u
2022-11-19 03:03:21
Spartacus :
I’m so sorry ur struggling so much. Sending you love 💕 and virtual hugs 🤗
2022-11-19 03:03:13
bekbekbekBECCAAA :
Was it just housing that was the issue staying in FL? Or was it the treatment center as well? Can we crowd source for rent?
2022-11-19 03:06:36
Kari :
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I understand your pain and fear. Thank you for sharing with us❤️
2022-11-19 03:16:34
shandosupreme :
Sending you so much love 💜 I’m so sorry the universe is putting you thru the ringer. I’m crossing my claws things get better ASAP
2022-11-19 03:25:24
girls_gonemild :
Not stupid at all. We’re all here for you. ❤️
2022-11-19 03:27:03
Sweetdevilsangel🇭🇺 :
virtual hug wishing you strength to get through this 🌺
2022-11-19 03:40:13
“I worry my body isn’t as tough as I am.” I’ve been feeling like this without having the words, so I’m going to use that to explain to my husband who doesn’t really get what EDS, POTS and MCAS are doing to my body. Hang in there!!
2022-11-19 03:55:41
🦇Morto🦇 :
we love you and we are rooting for you!💖
2022-11-19 03:56:48
jupiter.rats :
I wish I lived somewhere warmer so I could offer you a room but the weather here in CO is awful. I’m just so sorry for everything that’s happened 😣
2022-11-19 04:03:40
Toni Smith Thompson :
2022-11-19 04:35:45
Cara! :
I’m so sorry dearest. I hate this situation for you. You aren’t alone.❤️❤️
2022-11-19 04:58:08
D :
Thoughts and prayers with you. Your sanity is just as important as your physical health. Stay strong.
2022-11-19 05:16:40
Desiree Rubino :
We love you so much!!!!!!
2022-11-19 05:38:16
Brandy Lee :
It isn’t stupid & you shouldn’t have to deal with it. I’m truly sorry for all of this shit.
2022-11-19 06:23:32
NightwindsFall :
Sending hugs!
2022-11-19 03:03:01
Vonney B🍉🍉 :
protect yourself however you need to. Bullies, IRL or online, can suck the energy out of you. Protect yourself.
2022-11-19 07:57:25
Dakota Alexandria :
this is the kind of content I need... the real and raw feelings. I have a lot of the same feelings
2022-11-19 10:30:03
Vanessa :
Sending you love and healing! ❤️
2022-11-19 10:41:29
enzerukristin :
I feel like that with my autoimmune disease-that I’m tougher than my body and it is a constant struggle. From one Northern NY’ker to another I love u
2022-11-19 13:36:31
☽Moon☾ :
We need to get you a heated onsie!!!! With a hood! toasty warm, sending you lots of healing vibes ❤️❤️❤️
2022-11-19 13:50:54
Rayho :
2022-11-19 02:58:24
Holly/“Hooked By Holly” :
Girl I feel you and I can relate. I feel horrible that you have to go through this and I’ve been going through this for a while I am right there with
2022-11-19 15:00:31
✨Olive✨ :
I'm so sorry 💚 I can empathize with how painful and hard winters are in the North East. I'm in VT, And winters are brutally painful
2022-11-19 15:50:24
Mira the Hippie 🍉 :
I wish I had spare room for you and your fur babies... Honestly I do. I've been asking around for you here too.
2022-11-19 16:32:30
SidneyBean :
Acknowledging that you are strong is such a beautiful thing to hear someone! it is inspirational; hoping nothing but positivity and safety for you💞
2022-11-19 16:43:12
Witchyraccoon :
Do what you need to. I wouldn’t be able to see mean comments in your position either so zero judgement.
2022-11-19 17:06:42
Val Walker :
take care of yourself
2022-11-19 02:52:27
mae_travels_west :
I had to leave CT for the exact reason. I am so sorry
2022-11-19 18:49:38
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