@jacobzemer: Trail mix is fake healthy. It’s 160 calories per serving, that’s the same as a handful of Lay’s potato chips. A serving and a half is the same as a Snickers bar. And let’s face it, when you’re just mindlessly snacking on this bag you can easily replace your dinner in calories. Are there some healthy fats in here? Yes of course. But there’s also plenty of refined sugar. The reality is if you want something healthy just have almonds, and if you actually want to cheat on your diet just go all in and have something you’re really looking forward to. #healthysnacks #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthyeating #healthyeatinghabits #healthyeatingtips #healthyeats #dietingtips #caloriecount #caloriedeficit #caloriesincaloriesout #performancecoach #personaltrainer #nyctrainer #nycfitnesstrainer #nycfitfam