@thebeardedplantaholic: I’ve opened the prop boxes! Guys this Thursday, the 24th November, I’ll be heading over to @faunmalvern for a mingle with the peps (their delightful festive market)! Only the elite have been selected for this incredible venue and when they couldn’t find a final person and the back up got Covid, they called me. I guess I’m the elite now by default once removed! Whoop whoop! Anyhow, I digress… I’ve been potting up all my props and selecting only the crème of the crop to bring on the night. I will also be sharing tips and tricks for anyone interested. Artists and plantists all under one roof for a sensation Christmas orgy! Don’t miss out if you are local head of the @faunmalvern website and book your place now! #m#monsterap#plantsp#plantsofinstagramm#monsteradeliciosap#plantsmakepeoplehappyp#philodendronh#houseplantsi#indoorplantsp#plantloveru#urbanjunglef#funnyp#planth#homedecorm#monsteramondaya#alocasiai#indoorjungleo#onelinersm#monsteravariegatah#houseplantclubp#plantdadp#PlantTokh#houseplantc#comedyi#indoorjunglep#plantstagramp#plantlifep#plantaddicth#houseplantsofinstagrams#syngoniumthebeardedplantaholic