@j_weazy: This show was so much fun and it has been way to long since ive seen them live. The set was amazing, their new songs are incredible, and the energy was immaculate. @the1975 put so much detail and artisry into their shows and the intro was so much fun. I have more videos if you want me to share, but this is the chaotic ending to a ✨ charged up ✨ show. From pulling a fan on stage and making out with them during robers, to the girls in the front row with graphic things they wanted to do to matty, and the spitting on the camera at the end this was the perfect concert to launch back into The 1975 live show era after a 2 year hiatus. Too shy was the song that got me thru the early lockdown and seeing it live was really impactful. #the1975 #mattyhealy #liveconcert