@rachmcqueen1: @Kim Kardashian I mean, you got them to act quickly. But, this still reads as ‘we didn’t do anything wrong everyone just misinterpreted our creativity but I suppose we’ll apologise bc Kim Kardashian is mad’. Balenciaga still won’t admit any wrongdoing other than negligence, and we’re not buying it. Anyways @Kering have a look back at Demna’s creative narratives in the past, make sure his role is part of the revision of the organisation. Thanks for using that last sentence to make it so obvious that you never apologised for the consumers benefit, only for the celebrities and collaborators you work with AKA @adidas 🧐 Anyways how do you think that court case will go now that you’ve admitted your lack of oversight Balenciaga? You’ve got your legal team working overtime huh? #balenciaga #balenciagadrama #balenciagaxadidas #demna #keringgroup #kimkardashianbalenciaga #prnightmare #stillnoanswers
wait so in the top section, they are admitting they put the plush bears in the campaign with children. WTF
2022-11-28 22:52:01
Zoya :
They need to be cancelled period!
2022-11-28 23:15:40
chicamala :
the gaslighting
2022-11-29 22:06:26
Natasha Fernando :
I always think of how many people it took to come up with the word jumble
2022-11-29 00:19:37
shaquille :
We should not stop cancelling Balenciaga! If they get away with this, then humanity has failed.
2022-11-29 08:49:12
meikatarinaplesnar1 :
they dont want to admit their mistake .. who knows how many children are still in danger.
2022-12-01 12:03:45
Robert Laïda :
the reason why she is staying silence is that she has a major stake within the company
2022-12-07 13:17:38
irish1976 :
They’ll never admit it !!!
2023-01-08 11:17:00
Grandma :
They remain the brand that shall not be named @kimkardashian #whatbrandcanwetrust
2022-11-29 00:53:07
Strawberry :
The Kering Group owns Balenciaga, Gucci, Saint Laurent, Bottega Veneta, Alexander McQueen etc. CEO is François-Henri Pinault his wife is Salma Hayek.
2022-11-29 00:16:58
Courtney-Rose Ivy :
Even if it wasn't done with children there is still signs of child abuse?
2022-11-30 17:38:58
Raphael S. :
maybe put this effort into actual child abuse like the church ? 😅
2022-11-29 00:27:39
Rach McQueen 👑 :
@keringgroup when will Balenciaga be held accountable for finding a loophole in your policy re: using minors in campaigns by using employees kids?
2022-11-28 22:40:05
TD :
Salma Hayes’s husband Francois-Henri Pinault is the owner/ CEO of the Kering Group the parent company of Balaenciaga Gucci Bottega Ventua Saint Laurent he’s the one who needs to be responsible
2022-11-29 02:31:17
Lara :
This is so set up! She’s put out a statement they have responded as planned so she can work with them trying to blow it over