@belightcare: I have been looking forward to these coming in the mail to share them with you! I had seen advertisements for them in the past, but with the declining mobility of a family member, we decided to try them out. My husband has tested them out and I’m super impressed! I think this could be super helpful and I’ll keep you updated once they are gifted😊 Disclosure: I applied for the referral program and will earn points when you use the link I provide. You should do it too once you order! #wearkizik @wearkizik #handsfreeshoes #dementiaawareness #caregiver #alzheimersdisease #dementiacare #MemoryCare #memoryloss #frontotemporaldementia #dementiasucks #alzheimer #dementiasupport #earlyonsetalzheimers #caregiversupport #Lewybodydementia #vasculardementia #Alzheimers #caregivers #Dementia #dementiaadvocate #caregiverlife #alzheimersfight #alzheimerssucks