@joshfraseryoung: How to instantly control your emotions in 4 simple steps: #controlyouremotions #staycalm #psychologyhacks #bodylanguagehacks #psychologicalhacks #bodylanguagetips These psychology hacks and body language tips will allow you to control your emotions in any situation and always stay calm. 1: When in a stressful situation, stare at something such as the wall or your hand for 30 seconds. 2: Breathe in and out deeply for 60 seconds. 3: Realise that the way people perceive you is to do with them and not you. 4: Understand that sometimes people try and annoy you on purpose to get a reaction out of you. Don’t give them one. These psychological hacks and body language hacks will allow you to instantly control your emotions and help you stay calm.