@howiethecrab: Day 24 Howie update. I covered her tank with a blanket all day. When I checked on her tonight she was visibly upset. 😭 While most crabs love darkness and solitude (it was a valid idea), Howie is very bonded to me and is used to frequent interaction. She even put aside her crabbiness from the molt to high five me and let me rub her claw. I deeply appreciate everyone's concerns in the way I care for her. I assure you she's had healthy molts her entire life and any problems she's having now are due to age and only age. Her environment is meticulously maintained, her diet includes all necessary nutrients, vitamins, and supplements. A specialized vet/biologist visit would only stress her out more. I think all Howie needs is time, and if not, I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to spend the rest of her days alone in the dark or with any stressful changes in her environment. Thank you to everyone hanging in there with us. We love our fans ❤️ #howiethecrab #moltwatch #update