@bestplacesnyc: New Years In Times Square NYC✨ ✨Dress Warmly ✨Public drinking is not permitted in Times Square ✨Eat a hearty meal before you go and bring snacks 🚨NOTE that this year, those heading to Times Square for the ball drop will be required to show proof of vaccination 💉and wear masks😷 🚨NO PUBLIC OR PORTABLE RESTROOMS IN TIMES SQUARE! Restaurants 🍣 will not let you in just to use their restroom🚽✨ 🚨Once you are in the official viewing area, you are in until midnight. The area will be closed off at some point in the evening and you will not be able to leave until after midnight 🚨No large bags or backpacks will be permitted. All bags 💼 will be searched 🚔 if you get there after the barricades are in place 🤩 The Waterford Crystal Ball, that weights in at a whopping 11,875 pounds, has 2,688 Waterford Crystal triangles attached to it, which received some sprucing up before it dazzles viewers Saturday night! 😱 Head to One Times Square to see the NYE ball yourself in all its glory! 😍 #BestPlacesNYC Credit:@timessquarenyc . . . . . #TimesSquare #NewYearsEve #NewYearsEveBall #BallDrop #TimesSquareBall #NYC #BallDrop #ConfettiWish #happynewyear #happynewyears #hello2023 #newyear #newyearnewyou #newyearscelebration #newyearsday #newyearseveoutfit #newyearseveparty #newyearsoutfit #newyearsparty #newyearsresolution #newyearsresolutions #newyearssale #nye #kia #newyear #onetimessquare #balldrop #numerals #foryou #fyp