@convoswithcarrie1: Listennnnn….. We kicked in the 2023 Door real hard with this show!!!!! Thank you SO MUCH @themichelelopez @tarekstevens @damarckoprice and @official_tylan for making last nights show one of the highest rated shows to date!!!!! We are so grateful. And THANK ALL OF YOU who watched, shared, engaged because without your support we could not do what we do each week! . If you missed the show, go watch it NOW on @spotlightoverthecity YouTube channel “Spotlight Over The City TV (and please SUBSCRIBE)!!! You may also go watch the show (or any prior show) on our website www.SpotlightOverTheCity.com and click the red “watch live” button and you’ll see all prior live broadcasts. Tell your friends about us!!! Thank you sooo much for all of your continued support. #u#umbrellacaresu#ubroadcastmedia#t#thembmaga#allblacka#allblk#b#blazetvo#oxleyrealtyservicess#siriusxmb#bett#tvoneh#hulun#netflixb#bravow#wetvt#tylerperrystudiose#explorePageb#barstool#v#vicetvb#barstooldmvm#michelelopezo#ownt#terkstevensr#revolttvc#connectthecityk#kingdomreignentt#tylanspotlightoverthecity