@thelesbianpassport: time for another recharge 🌄 ✨ This trek was one of the most challenging things I’ve ever done, but the feelings that came from it are nearly impossible to put into words. Now less than 24 hours until I head to South America for the next big solo trip, and I’m beyond excited to share it all with you 🤍 What’s something that gives your soul a recharge? 💭 Hit + for solo travel tips and adventures! 📍 Volcán Acatenango, Guatemala • • #recharge #adventuroussould #adventuregram #travelgram #travel #solofemaletravel #sofetravel #solotravel #budgettravel #guatemala #guatemalatravel #exploreguatemala #volcanacatenango #antiguaguatemala #latinamerica #centralamerica #girlswhotravel #girlswhoadventure #womenoutside #outdoorsy #nature #exploretheworld