@nesha.vb: Replying to @_gottalovechrista set up & stock my baby’s play kitchen with me 😇 everything is linked in my Amaz0n storefront in my b!0 in loooove with this kitchen / DIY 🥰 spray painting the fixtures + pots gave it suchhh a nice updated look #playkitchen #playkitchendiy #playkitchenmakeover #diymakeover #diyupdate #buildwithme #diywithme #toddlerkitchenideas #toddlerkitchenmakeover #toddlerkitchen #blackgirltiktok #MomsofTikTok #babiesoftiktok #musthavesfromamazon #musthavetoy #musthavetoys building our toddler Melissa and Doug kitchen stocking toddler play kitchen perfect toys for play kitchen renovating toddler kitchen easy DIY toddler kitchen updates, build with me DIY with me spray paint with me black girl DIY pretend play with baby sensory playtime with baby black moms of TikTok