@imbradleyrichardson: Is it okay to step out or cheat to have an affair if you’re in a bad marriage or toxic relationship? I’m asked this several times a week by coaching clients and people on Social Media Look, I’m not the morality police. I’m not your conscience. And I’m the last person to talk to you about character… however… What I will say is you have choices. If you’re unhappy leave. if it’s toxic…leave.. get out. If you want to improve your relationship with your person, why don’t you be the grown ass adult and actually have the conversation and say, Can we work on this … OR this isn’t working and we need to end it OR… you have the choice to step out and cheat Each of those choices is tough. But ONE is not just hurtful… it’s disrespectful. Where so many people mess up is because they don’t show themselves the other person or relationship or anything else any respect, because they think I’ll take the easy way out and sneak around. That’s the hardest thing…. To show enough respect for yourself, the other person and what you’ve had to say “this, isn’t it and we need to do something else.” That’s the hard stuff… that’s Advanced Adulting! Be a grown ass adult and have the hard conversation…. At least that’s my opinion and coaching … you do you. 💥If you’re in your do in your 40s 50s and beyond and you need help navigating midlife or just want to find people to connect with and grow with…..Make sure you #follow me AND check o#followlinks in the bio. 💥 Let me know what you think… and #share this with someone#sharehink would benefit from hearing this message. If you want to learn more about coaching courses or programs send me a DM | message or check the links in profile #midlife #over40 #over50#midlifeo#over40##over50n#relationshipst#relationshipadvicef#dating##datingadvicel#friends #friendshipsh#lonlinessi#MentalHealth #genxv#agingw#menover40 #menover505#womenover40 #womenover50d#menopauset#divorcedleyrichardson#advancedadultingdson