@jodieglowz: The reason why your armpit is stank is because you may need to detox! Using deodorant especially those with aluminum will eventually leave a buildup of impurities that clogs which leads to body order even after showering and using deodorant. Try a routine like this and you’ll definitely see a difference. Products: @megababebeauty space bar detoxifying charcoal underarm soap Megababe happy pits underarm mask @beselfmade.co tru grit scrub and intimacy serum Razor I try to use 3 or more blades or a men’s razor. I got mine @walmart Megababe deo #bodyodorsoap #detoxmask #sweatypits #tipsforgirls #howtoshaveyourunderarms #armpitdetox #megababe #bodyodor #stinkyarmpits #glycolicacidtips #howtogetridofbodyodor