@providencenews: Several new developments in the case of a Newport News, VA teacher shot at school: An attorney for the teacher who, police say, was shot by her 6-year-old student says the school had warning that the child had a gun. And hours after the attorney’s news conference, the school board voted to fire the superintendent. #newportnews #newportnewsva #virginia #va #teacher #richneckelementary
Providence Now
Region: US
Thursday 26 January 2023 04:14:53 GMT
TLinthedesert :
Must be more to the story, if not, are other schools in the same district that are “paralyzed by apathy”? School board apathetic? Will lawsuit help?
2023-01-26 05:44:32
BlahBlahBlah :
doesn't it make you wonder why one of those 3 who warned didn't do more???
2023-01-26 05:54:27
Heather Elizabeth :
great superintendent fired but what about the school admin! principal?
2023-02-01 23:41:04
CC :
What about the schools principal or all the other teachers that knew he had a gun they all had phones they could’ve called the police too
2023-02-02 02:28:33
MM201 :
school, the SI, and Principal can just start adding 0s
2023-02-02 05:07:54
Not Debbie :
They need held responsible
2023-01-27 18:04:24
🫶🏻 a fart 🫶🏻 :
They gave that superintendent one hell of a severance package too never have I messed up that bad nor have I ever been paid for a screw up that caused
2023-02-01 21:33:07
Michael Yarboroug645 :
He will claim its races involved and probably win
2023-02-01 17:35:28
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