@thealchemistempress: Exoteric: intended for or likely to be understood by the general public; current or popular among the general public. Esoteric: intended for, or likely to be understood by, only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest; hidden; mysterious; beyond the range of ordinary knowledge, is communicated only to the initiated. 🎥 Patreon - SiriusTimesMedia | Bobby Hemmitt | Exploring the Black Mystical Agenda #BobbyHemmitt #Esoteric #Exoteric #knowledge #siriustimesmedia #occult #metaphysics #spirituality #gnosticism #siriustimes #esoteric #alchemy #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #chaosbeings #goddesses #gods #melanin #akashicrecords #alchemist #sirius #esotericknowledge #gnosis #13knowledge #knowledge #knowthyself #iamselflordandmaster #panafricangoddess