@pcoscoachnikki: You can reverse your pcos and it’s important to not just mask symptoms as they will always be there. Coming off the pill only makes things worse too! The only way to reverse symptoms (cant cure) is to treat it at the root cause. Everyones pcos is different too. However, i have created a 4 step blueprint that WILL start reversing and change your life! The same principles apply and i then work with you 1-1 to create a targeted plan for YOUR pcos. #pcossuccessstory #pcostransformations #pcosinsulinresistance #pcosweightloss #pcosttcwithpcos #pcoshelpagirlout #pcosknowledge #knowledgeispower #pcospregnancytips #pcoscoachnikki #ptqcysters #pcostransformationqueen #reversepcosnaturally #pcossupportontiktok #reversepcos #pcos #pcosbelly #pcoshelp