@samanthadugc: Don’t do these things when pitching to brands as a new UGC Creator!🙅🏽♀️ Don’t write a novel about yourself! Give a few sentences about yourself, MAX. Brands want to know the value of what you can do for them!✨ Don’t make grammatical errors! Spellcheck please! It lioks really unporfessional to leave a lot of spelling errors in your email. Show the brand you took the time to compose a proper email.✨ Don’t give up! Be persistant! Brands receive so many emails a day, its wasy for them to get lost un the shuffle. Send your follow up emails and don’t give up!✨ #ugc #ugccreator #ugccreatorjourney #ugcjourney #ugcjourneyupdate #beginnerugc #newugc #pitchingtobrands #ugcportfolio #ugcbrands #ugcpitching #microinfluencer #nanoinfluencer #howto #dosanddonts #dontdothis