@journeyswithkris: Replying to @solelydenise It was 7 of us, and we ended up paying $1785 each for 6 days/ 5 nights Garza Blanca is a 5 💎 resort, so you get what you pay for. 8 swimming pools? Where do they do that at? I really enjoyed the turn down service, where they prep your room for a night cap and run you a bath. HELLO SOMEBODY! We had a jacuzzi as well. Everything about the experience screams soft life, and it’s about that time. Don’t get me started on the exceptional cuisine all up and through. I already told you about my love for fresh avocado and they definitely understood the assignment. #traveling #cabosanlucas #familyfriendlyresort #allinclusiveresort #resortreview #travelblogger #garzablancaloscabos #mexico #CaboMexico #blacktravelers