@katerinamangini: We’re recovering though👼🏼✨ NO, just because you’re having the same symptoms, doesn’t mean you’re in the same boat as me!! I do think if you’re experiencing any or all of these symptoms, it’s always smart to check with your doctor and let them know how you’re feeling💖 Just because mine turned out to be a prolactinoma, does not mean your symptoms will mean the same! There are so many types of hormone irregularities, some easier to deal with and few harder to deal with! Luckily my prognosis is very good and this type of NONCANCEROUS tumor is extremely treatable once we figure out what works for me🥰 I’m doing well and making light of the whole situation. It’s all a gift and an opportunity to learn❤️🩹✨ #braintumor #prolactinoma #hormonehealth #hormones #femalehormones #femalehealth #womanhealth #benigntumor #recovery #healthy #healthylifestyle #wellness #MentalHealth