@danielhansonmusic: Hearing this boy sing reminded me of when I was about his age learning to sing in a similar style. My relationship to music has evolved a lot since then, but I think those couple years of lessons planted some valuable seeds that helped me develop the mind-muscle connection and tonal capacity I have today. The tricky thing with conventional music lessons I find is that they can feel creatively constraining for some, which is why I eventually stopped taking them. While at the same time, they can be truly invaluable when it comes to adopting and integrating refined technique into our creative expression, though that distinction can be hard to draw at such early stages. In any case, I'm extremely grateful to have been given that foundational background through my parents' willingness to support my musical aspirations as a kid. I can see how what I learned back then has provided a foundation for so much of what I do now. And the learning carries on to this day :) Performers: Malakai M Bayoh & Aled Jones ------- #harmony #harmonies #choral #vocals #vocalist #voices #singing #musicproducer #christmasmusic #oholynight #classicfm