@thebarefootsprinter: If your shoulder blades can’t move, you got problems. It might not be a full dislocation like me… But impingement, frozen shoulders, rotator cuff tears, and tendonitis all start with stuck scapulae. But getting it moving again can be tricky. A little band distraction can help a lot. You’re using training wheels to mobilize tissue. It’s the first step in getting your upper body back. And if you want more help with this stuff, I’ve got a simple 28 day program to help. You can get started for just $1! DM me the word “SHOULDERS” and we’ll talk more! - - - - - #a#averagetoathletice#exercise#m#mobilitym#movementf#flexibles#shoulderu#upperbodys#shoulderrehabs#shouldermobilityw#warmupb#bodyweights#shoulderpain#p#postures#shoulderpainexercise#f#fascias#shoulderblades#scapulaw#wingingscapulaf#frozenshoulderr#rotatorcufftearshoulderdislocation