@mrkrum01: On December 19th I took a nap in my contact lenses (less than an hour) I took them out and went back to back I went to the eye doctor the very next day because I thought I got pink eye and wanted to get the medicine asap Well after looking at my eye they found #hsv1 in my eye (or so they thought) I was treated for a whole month for the herpes simplex 1 virus I got tired of hearing “this is just a very stubborn virus but it’ll go away” and went over to #bascompalmereyehospital in #miami they saw a corneal ulcer… but no HSV. So they put me on a steroid, BIG mistake. My pain level went from a 3 to a 9-10 within days with my eye starting to look like it wasn’t real (starting at the 2nd picture) after 2-3 appointments we got a culture of my eye and it was negative until I got a call on the night of January 21st that my culture showed #acanthamoebakeratitis I got a huge relief without knowing the ride I was in for. I picked up my medicine (2 eye drops) the next morning and my pain went from that 9-10 all the way to a 100. I had 3 more appointments since starting the medicine and everything downhill still. 2 days ago I was started on pain medicine FINALLY with miltefosine and prednisone. I had my first semi successful appointment yesterday after only 2 days of the new medicine 🙏 If you’re going through this right now my biggest tips are to always have an ice pack frozen ready to use on your eye Don’t waist your time maxing out on Advil and Tylonal it will not work with the eye pain I am currently using meloxicam and it is a miracle worker so far. Please feel free to message me if you have any questions or just need someone to be with you through this journey!